But yeah, scarves.
I don't know what it is about a scarf that fascinates me so. It may just be that they're such an easy project. Here's a beginning, here's an end, here's a million variations of color, stitch, pattern, and length. Kind o
f like knitting itself.
I guess I'm just suffering from a terminally short attention span right now (always). If a project hits that magic eight-hour mark, it's game over, at least temporarily. Over the years, there have been exceptions to this rule, most notably a scarf I finished in a single twelve-hour sitting, but by and large, if it's more than a certain number of hours, or if the progress is slow, it's just not gonna get done.
I like seeing the results of my work, which is why I still have yet to produce a full sweater for anyone.
Anyway, I'm not really trying to tie up everyone's ears and time with a long piece. Just wanted to update so people know that I'm still breathing -- reading, swearing, and occasionally even venturing out of the house. Talk to y'all later.
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